Sunday, January 01, 2006

old dreams for a new year

It's 2006. Wow. I sit here dreaming of a more perfect world. It seems I'm surrounded by idiots. Injustice permeates every inch of this world. We've tainted water, starving children, addiction run ramped, and everything hinges on money. Sad & evil. I can't be the only person who's heart bleeds sadness for our world. It's just so unfair.

One of my wishes is that I can make a difference before I move on (like up & out of this plain).

Things that hurt me so:

Addicted people cannot get help without money that they do not have.

Our politicians are totally missing the point.

Our silly president is not looking out for our best interest and rich people are plain & simple disconnected from reality by default of their money.

Huge corporations are eating up dollars and they don't care. PLEASE DON'T SHOP WALMART!!!!! Your money is your economic vote. We have to be diligent & pay attention. Poor people are being raped here!

Originally weren't police hired to make our cities a safer place? Printed on the side of police cars it used to say "to protect & serve" not harass & threaten.

When I was young I thought life was fair & people were kind. What the hell happened???

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