Sunday, November 05, 2006

This week's travels

Just last week I told my friend I wanted to take her to the Wisconsin Dells. And wa-la I am asked to travel within 30 miles of there for work!'s a quick movin' universe right now. I almost need a seat belt!

and so,,Baraboo Wisconsin here I come. Maybe this time I will have time to take the ferry. I was there a few years back, was on my way to the ferry when,,,a thrift store jumped right in my way. Well you know how that goes, 2 hours later I didn't have time, but did have a back seat full of crap which included new clothes.

In looking up history on the dells, I found this: (used without permission of course)
No history of Wisconsin Dells would be complete if it did not include H.H. Bennett's stop-action photo of his son Ashley leaping to Stand Rock in 1888. The studio that H.H. Bennett founded in 1865 has been continuously owned and operated by successive generations of his family. It is the oldest family owned photographic studio in the United States.

In 1999 the State Historical Society of Wisconsin acquired the studio with its priceless collection of photo prints, negatives and antique equipment. The studio has been restored, and its doors are open to the public.

very cool! To learn more history.

I remember going to the dells when I was a kid. It's one of those places I've always wanted to return to. I guess it's been commercialized and really built up with huge hotels & indoor waterparks. All I want to see is natures beauty. Oh and maybe a spa & hot tub room as long as I'm right there.

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