Monday, December 01, 2008


once again winter is upon us
cold frozen wind
bites all who dares
expose themselves

I suppose it won't be long
till warm spring
forces open my doors
and windows again

now for frost proof patients

Thursday, May 29, 2008


some days in life
age more than others
it's like I can feel
hair turning gray

in the mirror
my face hardened
in a new way
I don't like

multiple pains
of maturing
I believe
this is why

I play
hard and often
my offset
a childhood way
I refuse
to leave behind

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Funeral Week


Ah, Saturday morning in Boone, Iowa.

I just put the dogs outside. Must have been foggy last night, each chain link of their dog run is covered with little frosty hairs, like frozen mold grown right out of the wire, delicate & extremely fragile. Chunks of white frost land on my black dogs as frozen night signs slip away from daylight's melting sunshine.

Barks of frustration tell of their bondage within their wire world. Lucky for those neighborhood rabbits who only search bites to eat in this winter white world.

Saturday morning brings me food shows on public television. Long past Julia Childs tempts my palete with bread as today's guest shares sourdough treats from San Francisco. I miss cooking more.

Ending this funeral week, death always prompts thought & retrospection. I did not like going to that funeral. It was a group I do not identify with. I suspect in the end, he will be declared a drug death, they say he fell & hit his head, but if that was so, we'd already confirmed that by his autopsy. Years ago, we waited over 2 months to get Gary's toxicology results. I can't believe they make anyone grieving wait that long. It's a strange world we live in.

Anyway, all those meth heads showed up, sitting it toothless rows, I watched as they squirmed, awaiting release from this pause so they could hook up and forget today's message of obvious danger and continue on their drug laden path. No sadder than any other day, it's just not often all these junkies are gathered in such neat display. And it's not often it's so in my face.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Weather Report Boone Iowa

foggy. very foggy. The whole state is covered in a thick layer, drive conditions are horrific, with visibility less .2 of a mile. Looking out I see trees and bushes, all insulated with a frozen crystal layer, like they are ice trees sprouting ice cycles shaped like branches. Tuesday we only got a few inches of snow, everything still looks clean, white and almost sterile. My yard looks suspended in it's wait for spring, hidden plants lay motionless, quietly patient. Rabbit & squirrel tracks pretty much the only decorations on my flat white lawn.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Nikki & Jr go for a walk-Odd Garbage

Okay, so I'm not very good at posting every day. I would like to post odd garbage I find while I'm walking the dogs so

last week I found:

  • baby bottle, full, nipple collapsed
  • 1# pork sausage, packaged at a locker, and this is by far the strangest garbage. gosh just what the heck are people thinking???

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Nikki & Jr Go For a Walk- Odd Garbage

It amazes me what I find while I'm walking my dogs. Today my odd garbage find is a bag of candy. Squashed, broken open, laying in the road. I guess whoever lost this did not find satisfaction in picking it up and perhaps throwing it away in their home garbage can.