Thursday, December 20, 2007


let me in
no, let me out
how it is
I may pout

dry my tears
hold my hand
alone I live
alone I stand

tis simply
an illusion

deep breathing

yesterday I was watching tv

they requested we all take a moment

and breath deep

inhale long

exhale fully

I was surprized

what I tasted

a tear

found it's way through my throat

it tasted like pain


how in the world

can anyone exhale fully

when disappointment

blocks breath?

I would like

to find my way out

of this one mystery

and many others

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the flower

i was sad
i forgot
to take
his bloom

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

dairy potter

missing computer

My computer is at the dr. I bought the extended warranty and had to use it. 10 days before it expired I rushed to the store and reluctantly gave it up. I feel like I'm missing something. It's like I'm not whole. Omg, that thing has become a part of my life I can't live without. I must face it, I'm in love with my laptop. I hope she comes home soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

today's news

It's state fair time in Iowa. I love to watch it on public tv, but actually going, can't say I've done that for at least 10 years. I wonder what they carved out of butter this year?

My foot has really been a bother this week. I had tons to do before next week's travel. grrrrrr not exactly as planned. I did get my room cleaned up, that's huge progress!

Tonight's outside air is warm and full of moisture. Almost feels like lotion on my skin. I'm not exactly sure of the temp, somewhere in the 70's, just perfect I'd say. Besides smelling clean and fresh it's also very comfortable and comforting in that midwestern way.

Between locusts, frogs, crickets, and several other voices, it's darn loud out! This is supposed to be the year of the 7 year locust, but it sure seems to me they hatch every year. Maybe there are different species or something. I'd think I'd notice if summer air didn't chirp with that certain chorus. Found a shell from one of those locusts who hatched out in my front flowerbed. When I get my computer back, I'll try to post a picture.

My laptop went to the dr. this week and they had to send it away. I feel as I'm missing...something. Not like an arm, but more like when I smoked cigarettes, I never left home without them and I'm never far from them. The up side is I've been writing. Putting my thoughts right to paper, ah such a novel idea that is. Don't know when my computer will return home to me. 3 days to 3 weeks was their guesstament.

I hope everyone out there is healthy and half way happy. It's a great summer, it's clicking away way too fast, but isn't that everyone's thought in August?

Enjoy yourselves and each other!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

my new injury

for as little as this toe is, it sure hurts a lot!

So I'm at work. I look at this chair sitting in the path of my desk. I think, "self, you should move that chair." Then I walk right by. You know the rest of the story, my next trip by (which I never completely made) I catch the chair with my toe. WAAAAAAA

Okay, well I just sat with my foot packed in ice. (gosh I accidentally found a great excuse to sit & watch a movie) The cold makes it feel a whole lot better. Walking kinda sux tho. Now it's time for my outlaw chick flick. Now that's a new combo...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Glendale Jazz festival


my patient tour guide

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hutchinson MN

Feb 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007


as brushing teeth
or washing dishes
friends and memories
continually rolling films
in front of behind
who have nothing
to do
with seeing

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2007

past love

once and a while
hearts miss each other
while traveling along
just doing fine

once and a while
hearts kiss each other
while dreaming along
pretending all's fine

once and a while
grieving is fine

it's just
a fine line

Friday, January 19, 2007

Lava Falls

okay and maybe this one
Lava Falls

La Ventana Arch

oh this is the one:
La Ventana Arch

Big Tubes

stuff I'm thinking about seeing along our way
Big Tubes

new mexico selection of cool stuff
Explore New Mexico Results

MapQuest.Com: Maps, Directions and More

the rest of the story
MapQuest.Com: Maps, Directions and More

MapQuest.Com: Maps, Directions and More

Week of January 22, 2007
me & my mom go for a business trip
MapQuest.Com: Maps, Directions and More

Monday, January 15, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007